I have been
since the day I met Ref at 2 weeks of age back in 2010. My obsession for pugs became stronger as I started my blog, The Pug Diary, in 2014. I love the breed so much that I wanted to educate other pug parents on what life is like with a pug. But I also wanted to share in everything that is cute about pugs which is how Pugs & Co came to life.

I am
with collecting pug stuff. I’m at the point that I just don’t know where to put it all but I just gotta have it. Each year I add more pug Christmas decorations to the tree. We've even celebrated Pugmas where every Christmas decoration on the tree and in the house was pug related. And as you read this and say “me too”, you’ll understand what I mean when I say I am a crazy pug lady.

To fuel my
of everything pug, I wanted to create unique and fun but not cheesy and tacky products that celebrate pugs. I create my own designs to bring you fun, unique products that you need to have as much as I need to make & have them.
Pugs & Co is celebrating pugs with pug stuff for humans.

Who is behind
Pugs & Co. is a one women team supported by my very own pugs.
My name is Kristy and I am the creator of Pugs & Co.
You may already know me from my blog The Pug Diary, the essential guide for pug parents. If you know me from there, you know I have a great passion for everything pug. I have loads of ideas for original & unique products that I want to bring to Pugs & Co and I look forward to doing just that so you can join in the celebration of pugs with pug stuff for humans.

My inspiration for everything I do are my pugs, Ref & Serina. Ref is a 13 year black pug that I have had since he was 8 weeks. He is cheeky, lazy with bursts of energy and an overall sweet little boy. He will always hold a huge piece of my heart for as long as I live.

Serina was my 11 year old rescue girl who has changed so much about how I think about pugs and life in general. She was the biggest bossy boots but also the sweetest and most loyal dog I'll ever known. Maybe because I changed her entire world. Serina passed away on 02.11.2022.

Jellybean is the newest addition to the family and is a 1 year old albino rescue pug I adopted as a 6 month old puppy. She is this fun, loving, incredible old soul that I am so lucky to have in my life.
Pugs & Co is a small business located in the Macarthur, South West of Sydney, Australia but ships worldwide.